Sunday, November 29, 2009
साथीसँग मनका कुरा
• करिश्मा कार्की, जलपरी, पौडी खेलाडी
Energy from the air
Govt to put cap on CEO salary, perks
Are we civilised yet?
Early marriage
SAGA from Malaysia
Friday, November 27, 2009
Nepalese butchers laud mass animal sacrifice
Worshippers travelled long distances, many coming from neighbouring India, to attend the Gadhimai festival which is held every five years in southern Nepal to appease the Hindu goddess of power.
"It is not an easy task to kill the animals but once I entered the slaughtering field with my sword I felt blessed with some kind of divine power and that kept me going," Rana told AFP after the two-day event ended on Wednesday.
"I slaughtered around 20 buffalo in 2004. This time I managed to behead about 70. I wish the sacrifice has not ended."
On Tuesday 250 sword-wielding butchers slaughtered around 20,000 buffalo, while the following day hundreds of thousands of people offered smaller animals to Gadhimai.
Priests said at least 150,000 goats, roosters, ducks and pigeons were sacrificed at the temple, and thousands more were killed in surrounding fields.
"You need a lot of courage to kill the animals," said Rana, 34, who works in nearby Birgunj town. "It is a privilege to be the part of the culture that has continued for centuries and it would be immoral to go against tradition."
Chief priest of the temple Mangal Chaudhary Tharu told AFP that the event, which was condemned by animal rights campaigners, had been a great success.
"We are overwhelmed by the number of devotees and sacrifices made to the goddess despite criticism. We are happy that the tradition has continued," Tharu said.
Animal rights activists have struggled to spread their message that the sacrifice is cruel in deeply conservative Nepal.
Their cause is supported by the well-known Indian animal rights activist Maneka Gandhi and by the French film star turned campaigner Brigitte Bardot, who wrote to Nepal's president urging him to ban the event.
But the government provided 4.5 million rupees (60,000 dollars) in funding for the festival, which is lucrative for organisers who sell the hides to contractors after the slaughter.
Munna Bahadur Khadgi, a professional butcher, said he had enjoyed the chance to give the goddess "something in return."
"Gadhimai has been kind enough for me to have a good life and I take this slaughter as a way of saying 'thank you'," said the 40-year-old, who said he had killed 200 buffalo this year.
"I make money by killing animals normally but at the festival I do it for spiritual satisfaction. It is the least that I could do for the goddess and I didn't want to miss this opportunity."
For 31-year-old Abhimanyu Rana, the slaughtering was in keeping with the family's religious belief and practice.
"When I was young I had seen my dad and grandpa slaughtering animals. I am proud that I am continuing the family history," said Rana, who owns a local restaurant.
"I was not scared at all because I was doing it for Gadhimai. I don't feel guilty because I know I was making the goddess happy."
Nepal’s Premier Resigns After Power Struggle Over Army Chief
In a televised address to the nation, the prime minister, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, who goes by the name Prachanda, said he was stepping down, one day after Nepal’s president overruled his decision to fire the army chief, Rookmangud Katawal.
“I announce, through this address, my resignation from the cabinet I have chaired so as to put an end to this difficult situation and create a positive environment for salvaging democracy, nationalism and the peace process that are currently at risk,” Prachanda, a former Maoist guerrilla fighter, said in his 13-minute address.
Clusters of people gathered in front of television shops in the capital, Katmandu, to watch the prime minister give his address as a continuing power crisis left many parts of the city without electricity.
Prachanda’s party entered into competitive politics after signing a peace deal in 2006, ending a decade-long Maoist rebellion. He became prime minister in August after four months of political wrangling; in May, the nation’s elected Constituent Assembly declared the nation a federal republic, ending 239 years of Hindu monarchy.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
We laten de noordelijke cultuurhistorie niet alleen herleven, maar geven deze ook een nieuw glansrijk leven. Met aansprekende methoden en met inzet van moderne audiovisuele middelen ontdekken kinderen, ouders en grootouders spelenderwijs hun oorsprong en raken gemotiveerd deze over te brengen op anderen.
HistoryClip is een voorbeeld van een succesvol project. Op dit moment wordt het in het Friese Lauwersland in de praktijk gebracht.
प्रेमीको बाइक
घटना वास्तविक हो । तर, फिल्म सुटिङको । निर्माणाधीन फिल्म हो- यही माया होको छायांकन बरबरमहलको व्यस्त सडकमा भइरहेको थियो । नायक राज तिमिल्सिना रफ स्टाइलमा बाइक हाँकिरहेका थिए । उनको पछाडि नवनायिका जानकी -जिया) केसी बसेकी थिइन् । हुँइकिरहेको बाइकबाट हिरोइन एक्कासि बीचबाटोमा पछारिइन् । रफ पारामा चलाएको बाइकमा राम्ररी बस्न नजानेकाले उनी पछारिएकी थिइन् ।
'धन्न भाग्यले बाँचिन् जिया,' दुर्घटनाका बारे बताउँदै निर्देशक दीपक श्रेष्ठले आत्तिँदै फोनमा भने, 'पछाडिबाट आइरहेका गाडीले इमर्जेन्सी ब्रेक नलगाएको भए ठूलो दुर्घटना हुने थियो ।' फिल्मको कथाअनुसार हालको नयाँ पुस्ताको रूपमा उभ्याइएका नायक राजको चरित्रले शालीन चरित्रकी केटी -जिया) पट्याउँछ । केटी नमान्दा-नमान्दै पनि केटाले बाइक व्यस्त सडकमा जिक्ज्याक पारामा हाक्नुपर्ने हुन्छ । तिनै सटअगाडि गाडीमा क्यामेरा राखेर खिचिँदै थिए । एक्कासि हिरोइन बाटोमा पछारिएपछि त्यहाँ कोलाहल मच्चिन पुग्यो । मान्छेहरूको भीड अझै बढ्यो । पछारिएकी हिरोइनलाई त टेन्सन हुने नै भयो । त्यसभन्दा बढी टेन्सन निर्देशक दीपकलाई भयो । 'साह्रै डर लाग्यो, जियालाई पछाडिको गाडीको चक्काले भेटे पनि चोट भने लाग्न पाएन,' निर्देशक अझै पनि आत्तिँदै थिए, 'यस्तो डरलाग्दो घटना त मेरो कुनै फिल्ममा पनि भएको थिएन ।' जियाले आफूलाई नसमातेकाले आत्तिएर बाइकबाट लडेको बताउँछन् नायक राज । भन्छन्, 'मैले मेरो क्यारेक्टरअनुसार रफ पारामा बाइक हाँकिरहेको थिएँ । बे्रक लगाउँदा उनले मलाई समात्न सकिनन् अनि लडिन् ।' यही फिल्मबाट पहिलोपटक नायिका बनेकी जिया आफ्नै असावधानीका कारण दुर्घटनामा परेकी बताउँछन् फिल्म आबद्ध प्राविधिक । निर्देशक दीपकले बताएअनुसार जियाको पाखुरामा चोट लागेको छ । भित्री चोट देखिएको छैन । दुर्घटनापछि जियाबाहेक राजको सट मात्र खिचिएको थियो ।
मौसमी गुरुङ
१. संसारको सबैभन्दा आकर्षक पुरुष
टम क्रुज ।
२. साथमा कहिल्यै नछुट्ने दुई वस्तु
ब्याग ।
मोबाइल ।
३. अरुलाई थाहा नभएका तपाईका तीन कुरा
लुगामा बुट्टा भर्छु ।
राम्रो डान्स गर्छु ।
ब्युटिसियन कोर्स गरेकी छु ।
४. तपाईंलाई साथी बनाउनुपर्ने चार कारण
फरासिली छु ।
सहयोगी छु ।
क्षणिक होइन, दिगो सम्बन्ध राख्ने गर्छु ।
भेटघाट र फोन गरिरहन्छु ।
५. अविवाहित हुनुका पाँच फाइदा
लोग्नेभन्दा आमाबुबाको मातहतमा सजिलो हुन्छ ।
आफ्नो रुचिको करिअर बनाउन सकिन्छ ।
कामका लागि गरिने यात्रामा अवरोध हुँदैन ।
चाहेको लुगा लगाउन रोकतोक हुँदैन ।
व्यावहारिक हुनु पर्दैन ।
६. सुन्दर रहन गरिने ६ काम
आँखाको विशेष मेकअप गर्छु ।
मुक्तिनाथ हर्बलका उत्पादन प्रयोग गर्छु ।
फेसप्याक प्रयोग गर्छु ।
सनक्रिम लगाउँछु ।
घरमा बनाएको गाजल लगाउँछु ।
योग गर्छु ।
७. तपाईलाई मीठो लाग्नॆ सात परिकार
बर्गर ।
स्यान्डविच ।
चिकेन चिल्ली ।
पुलाउ ।
आलुदम ।
आइसक्रिम ।
जुसको ककटेल ।
८. काठमाडौंका आठ समस्या
ट्राफिक ।
लोडसेडिङ ।
पानी ।
बिग्रिएको बाटो ।
सरकारी काममा हुने ढिलासुस्ती ।
जुलुस ।
असुरक्षा ।
मोबाइल नेटवर्क ।
९. केटाको मन नपर्ने नौ बानी
ठूलो गफ हाँक्ने ।
केटीको अगाडि मुख छाड्ने ।
सार्वजनिक ठाउँमा चुरोट खाने ।
जाँडरक्सी खाएर बबाल गर्ने ।
शंका गर्ने ।
लागूऔषध सेवन गर्ने ।
मारपिट गर्ने ।
फाल्तु बस्ने ।
केटीलाई हेप्ने ।
१०. छुट्टी मनाउने दस तरिका
घरमै बस्ने ।
किनमेलमा जाने ।
घुम्न जाने ।
गीत सुन्ने र गाउने ।
घरमै बसेर फिल्म हेर्ने ।
नयाँ परिकार बनाएर खाने ।
साथीसँग भेटघाट गर्ने ।
घरको काम गर्ने ।
इन्टरनेट चलाउने ।
किताब पढ्ने ।
FIlmen met Ikegami was altijd al een lust. Het resultaat stak er altijd met kop en schouders boven uit. Eerst in 768 x 576 later in 1080 x 720, maar als je ooit op 35 mm film hebt gewerkt, is video op dat niveau toch surrogaat. Tenminste als het gaat om oplossend vermogen, kleur- en contrastweergave en projectiekwaliteit. Met de komst van Full HD televisie begint het er zowaar op te lijken. National Geographic Channel HD, History Channel HD en Discovery Channel HD zenden reeds via de kabel in High Definition uit. Als het originele materiaal ook in HD is opgenomen is het een openbaring! De bioscoop in eigen huis.
फिल्म लाइनका तीन साथी
गरिमा पन्त, अभिनेत्री
२. साथमा कहिल्यै नछुट्ने दुई चीज ?मोबाइल ।पर्स ।
३. अरुलाई थाहा नभएका तपाईका तीन रहस्य ?रक्सी खाएकोमान्छे भेट्दा सात्तो जान्छ ।सर्पदेखि एकदमै डराउँछु ।कविता लेख्छु।
४. राम्रा चार नेता ?प्रचण्ड ।बाबुराम भट्टराई । माधव नेपाल।रामचन्द्र पौडेल ।
६. सुन्दर रहन गरिने ६ काम ?सकारात्मक सोचाइ राख्छु।खानपिनमा ध्यान दिन्छु ।योगा र व्यायाम गर्छु ।पानी प्रशस्त पिउँछु ।लिप ग्लस लगाउँछु । घरमा बनाएकोगाजल लगाउँछु ।
७. तपाई गइरहने सात मन्दिर ?पशुपति । बगलामुखी । मनकामना । तनहुँको घर गएको बेला अकला मन्दिर।तनहुँकै छाब्दी बाराही ।दक्षिणकाली ।नयाँ बजारको म्हेपी मन्दिर ।
८. काठमाडौंका दिक्क लाग्ने आठ समस्या ? प्रदुषण ।ट्राफिक जाम ।निष्ठुरी छिमेकी ।पानी ।लोडसेडिङ ।असभ्यमानिस ।अरुको आलोचना गर्ने जमात ।असुरक्षा ।
९. केटा मान्छेको मन नपर्ने नौ बानी ?द्वैध चरित्र ।साँचो भावनाको खिल्ली उडाउने ।रक्सी खाएर बबाल गर्ने ।हल्का।केटीलाई सम्मान नगर्ने ।हल्लेर हिँड्ने ।अरुलाई होच्याउने ।अहम् पालेर बस्ने ।गुण्डागर्दी गर्ने ।
१०. छुट्टी मनाउने दस तरिका घरमै बस्ने ।टिभी हेर्ने ।डायरी लेख्ने ।साथीसँग गफ गर्ने । घुम्न जाने ।किनमेल गर्ने।परिवारसाग लामो यात्रा गर्ने ।हलमा फिल्म हेर्न जाने ।खाना बनाउन सिक्ने । फेसबुक चलाउने ।
Nepathya's New Album
Nepathya, the premier folk-rock band of Nepal is set to release its new album.This release is believed to end a more than three-year long wait for Nepathya fans.
"As our society heads to a peaceful and prosperous future with the new constitution being written, we wanted to come up with a fun filled romantic album, but the current situation inspired us otherwise. This album has ended up being patriotic and peace longing" says Amrit Gurung - the front man of Nepathya highlighting the content of the album.
The album contains 8 tracks, which includes new as well as few songs from its back catalogue to suite the theme of the Album.
Title of the album - Mero Desh comes from the track penned by poet Vikram Subba, and the cover design simply holds the National Flag made with some brush strokes by designer Navin Joshi. The design compliments Nepathya edition of the extremely popular patriotic number Rato ra Chandra Surya, also included in the album.
"We love this song and have been performing Rato ra Chandra Surya during concerts since 2001. I am glad and grateful to respected Ambar dai (Ambar Gurung) for allowing us to record this number." clarifies Amrit. "This song also portrays our love to our National emblem."
Other songs included in the album are Norden Rumba's Kasaile Sodhe, new edition of Pravin Gurung's Ukali Orali, Basanta Thapa's Sundar Shnata Nepal, Aavaas' Rangeen Chara, and Tirtha Shrestha's Aama.
nepa~laya, the producer of the album is releasing it on the 21st of November without much fanfare.
"The reason why we have dated the release for the 21st, is to express a musical commemoration to the 3rd Anniversary of Nepal's Comprehensive Peace Agreement. Though Amrit will not be here on that day - he suggested the connection and we agreed," says Kiran Krishna Shrestha of nepa~laya.
"It has been 3 long years since the CPA and we want to use this occasion to remind all concerned of the achievement Nepal had made. We hope it comes to a logical conclusion with the new constitution we all have been waiting for," adds Amrit before departing for Malaysia to attend the Asia Society - Asia 21 Young Leader's Summit.
Asia 21 Summit brings together 200 selected young leaders with diverse background from Asia and the United States to deliberate on wide-ranging agenda.
"We have recorded all the songs in the album from our heart. We hope our audience will accept this as they have in the past," says the humble pony tailed singer. "Hope we can come back with a more fun filled album soon. It is said art is the mirror of the society, so I believe this is the image that has been reflected through us for now" he concludes.
Mero Desh, has been produced and released by nepa~laya and will be available in the market through the distribution network of Ranjana Cassettes.
People After War - the third book in A People War Trilogy releasing soon
Kathmandu, 18th Nov 2009.
nepa~laya is launching the third part of its A People War trilogy and opening a permanent exhibit of images of the Nepal conflict on 21st November 2009, which also coincides the signing of the third anniversary of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. (CPA).
The third book is called People After War and follows A People War (2006) and Never Again (2008) books. All three books were edited by Kunda Dixit and focus on the civilian victims of the ten-year conflict that killed more than 15,000 Nepalis.
A People War was a picture book and nepa~laya took the photographs in it on a travelling exhibition to 32 districts in 2007-8. It was visited by 350,000 people, some of whose testimonies about the war are published in the second book, Never Again.
The third volume in the trilogy, People After War, goes back to some of the characters in the pictures in the first book to find out how their lives have been in the intervening years since their photographs were taken.
Says Kunda Dixit: “We have found ordinary people with extraordinary stories, and they are all uplifting because they prove just how resilient and hopeful the Nepali people are about the future despite the sorrows of war that they lived through.”
People After War features photographs and profiles of a brother and sister who fought on opposite sides during the war and are finally reunited with their father, a vigilante who turned into a sadhu after the ceasefire, and the daily struggle of survival of the relatives of those who were killed or disappeared during the war.
“The books serve to remind us of the horrors of what we Nepalis experienced and how long it takes for the wounds to heal,” adds Dixit. “It is important to remember so that society can resolve its differences peacefully without having to suffer an even more devastating conflicts in future.”
nepa~laya and Madan Puraskar are collaborating to put the images from A People War trilogy in a permanent exhibition at Madan Puraskar in Patan Dhoka. The exhibition will also have additional photographs from the conflict and be a repository for people’s testimonies about the war.
“We hope that the exhibition will become the nucleus of a peace museum that can have an archival as well as educational function,” explains nepa~laya’s Kiran Krishna Shrestha.
Exhibits of the stories from People After War are also being taken on a travelling show to seven places beyond Kathmandu from 23 November – 12 December.
It will visit Itahari, Ilam, Damak, Hetauda, Kawasoti, Nepalganj and Tansen.
Amrit represents Nepal in ASIA 21 YOUNG LEADERS SUMMIT, MALAYSIA
(Kuala Lumpur, November 17, 2009)Amrit Gurung of Nepal's Musical Band Nepathya has been chosen among more than 150 emerging leaders from some 30 countries in the Asia-Pacific region who will participate in the Asia Society’s fourth annual Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit, to be held in Kuala Lumpur from November 20-22, 2009.
Gurung joins other young leaders from various sectors, all under and around age 40, who will explore “The Changing Face of Leadership: Crisis and Opportunity” at the Summit.
The Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit is part of a larger initiative designed to help emerging leaders from across the region to develop common approaches to meet its shared challenges. “Asia 21 seeks to build networks of trust across geographic boundaries and help next generation leaders to educate one another in the highest ideals of values-based leadership,” said Asia Society Executive Vice President Jamie Metzl, who spearheads the program. “We need new types of leaders from every country who can both understand the transnational nature of the challenges we face and work together to address them, and are thrilled that Mr. Amrit Gurung will be joining our network.”
A poet, musician, singer, photographer, filmmaker and traveler, AmritGurung is one of Nepal's most recognized faces. His art reflects hisstrong beliefs about protecting peace, justice and nature. Amrit is the man behind Nepal's foremost folk rock band, Nepathya, and isa role model by Nepal's young adults. He uses the medium of music and photography to spread his message of peace directly to the people. He is a compulsive traveler and has trekked across 70 of Nepal's 75 districts, collecting folk lyrics and music.
Amrit took his peace concerts around Nepal, while the country was at war.
"I have found the arts, especially music, to be the most important way to create a more just and tolerant society. It really works, and it would bevery enriching for me to discuss this theme with Asia's future politicians, business leaders, activists, media and fellow-artists." said Amrit GurungEstablished by the Asia Society with support from Founding International Sponsor, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, the Asia 21 Summit is the pre-eminent gathering of Asia’s most dynamic and accomplished young leaders from the Asia-Pacific region. To date, the network counts more than 500 alumni, including businessmen, documentary filmmakers, environmental activists, human rights advocates, members of parliament, military personnel, performance artists, and social entrepreneurs.
“We’re proud to support the Asia Society’s Asia 21 Young Leaders Summit,” said Tom Montag, president of Global Banking and Markets at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. “As a global organization committed to deepening and strengthening our public and private sector relationships in the Asia-Pacific region, we’re honored to be part of an initiative that encourages prominent young leaders to collectively confront Asia’s challenges and opportunities.”
Ambar Gurung Mesmerizes Pokhara
Normally it is Pokhara which mesmerizes those who go there with its serene beauty. But it was an otherway round experience and a nice change to witness Ambar Gurung mesmerizing Pokhara. The music maestro performed for Paleti series in Pokhara and the audience was spell bound. It was a well attended event by all the who-is-who from music art and literature field of Pokhara. Teertha Shrestha, Jas Kaji Gurung, Amar Pokhareli, Saru Bhakta and Durga Baral were some of the eager attendants. Noted music composer Karma Yonjan had arrived from Darjeeling to attend the show.
Ambar Gurung captivated the audience with his feelings while he presented "Ma Ambar Hoon", "Bataas Le Jhaareka", "Timi Bhool Ma Paryou", "Yo Jindagi Ko Ke Kura" and "Nau Lakh Taara Udae". He also shared some nostalgic memories related to his compositions. Gurung's 'dear deciple' (in his own words) Aavaas presented some of the unheard compositions which were treat to the ears. Ambar Gurung was moved to tears when he rendered "Jaba Duniyale" and patted him on the shoulders. Aavaas also excelled in "Jasai Kesh Timile Phinjayou" and "Chamkirako Timi Hera." Budding talent Meena Niraula presented somegolden oldies by Aruna Lama like "Pohor Saal Khusi Phatda", and "Sabaile Bhanthe". She also accompanied the maestro for a duet "Tipa Yo Jowan", and Aavaas for "E Kanchha Mlaai Sun Ko Tara".
Noted film maker Binod Serchan said,"I could not miss this once in a life time opportunity to witness the great artiste perform.Where are such music now days?"
सफल मोडल बन्ने धुनमा-राधिका
Thursday, November 19, 2009
President Sarkozy says 'no place' for burqa in secular France
"France is a country where there is no place for the burka, where there is no place for the subservience of women," he said in a major speech on French national identity.
France, home to Europe's biggest Muslim minority, has set up a special panel of 32 lawmakers to consider whether a law should be enacted to bar Muslim women from wearing the full veil, known as a burka or niqab.
The country has had a long-running debate on how far it is willing to go to accommodate Islam without undermining the tradition of separating church and state, enshrined in a flagship 1905 law.
In 2004, it passed a law banning headscarves or any other "conspicuous" religious symbols in state schools to defend secularism.
Sarkozy in June said the burka was not a symbol of religious faith but a sign of women's "subservience" and declared that the full veil was "not welcome" here.
He was speaking Thursday in the Alpine town of La Chapelle en Vercors in his first intervention in a countrywide debate launched last month on what it means to be French.
Public meetings are due to take place in some 450 government offices around the country, involving campaigners, students, parents and teachers, unions, business leaders and French and European lawmakers.
The debate will end with a conference early next year on the twin questions of "what it means to be French today" and "what immigration contributes to our national identity."
The Socialist opposition has accused the government of pandering to anti-immigrant sentiment to shore up support on the right ahead of regional elections in March.
It has warned the debate risks alienating France's large communities of immigrant descent.
But Sarkozy said Thursday that "this is a noble debate" and that "those who do not want this debate are afraid of it."
Sarkozy made national identity a key campaign theme when he was running for the presidency in 2007